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Meet the Partners

The Guardians of the Bay of Islands

The Guardians of the Bay of Islands is a volunteer conservation group that works on a range of activities to support island restoration. The Guardians is a registered charity and provides financial, material and physical support for Project Island Song.

Local hapū, Ngati Kuta and Patukeha

The local hapū, Ngati Kuta and Patukeha, are ahi kaa – those who keep the home fires burning of Te Rāwhiti. Through their role as kaitiaki caretakers of the land they have observed many changes over the years and are actively working to restore the mauri lifeforce and wairua spirit of the land and sea in the eastern Bay of Islands.

Department of Conservation

The Department of Conservation (DOC) is a New Zealand government organisation involved in many conservation projects in New Zealand. DOC is a world leader in island pest eradication. The department eradicated mammalian pests from the islands of Ipipiri in June 2009

Private landowners

Independent pest control and planting initiatives by landowners and managers on the islands and the eastern Bay of Islands mainland coast are now linked through Project Island Song to create integrated pest management throughout the entire eastern Bay of Islands