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Meet our supporters

As a charity we are reliant on funders and supporters to keep us on the path to achieving our vision. Thank you to all those who have contributed towards Project Island Song in various ways, including funding project work, donating materials or time, or supporting our volunteer programme. Alongside grant funding partners we’re also grateful to receive generous support from donors and members.

With your support we can continue to bring the islands of Ipipiri alive again with the sound of native New Zealand birdsong.

Core funders

Foundation North provide key operational funding to enable our core team to keep Project Island Song moving forward. Visit website…

Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust fund our Environmental Expeditions and Floating Classroom programmes, which enable us to continue to teach and engage young people in conservation and the natural world. Visit website…

Lotteries Grants Board
support our volunteer programme through their Lotteries Communities fund, as well as funding species translocations through the Environment and Heritage fund. Visit website…

Ministry for Primary Industries
funds our work to protect our kauri trees from kauri dieback through their Tiakina Kauri programme. Visit website…

Additional funders

Business supporters and in-kind donors